A review by harasnicole
Reclaim the Stars: 17 Tales Across Realms & Space by Zoraida Córdova


Anthology books, as said by many others already, are really hard to "rate" because there will always be some stories that are good or great, and others that maybe aren't so much. For me, I think the stories were all just middle-of-the-road stories, not really memorable, with the exception that I remember one story where a girl makes out with a tree.

Most of these stories, for me, were a bit of a slog to get through because they kept making me sleepy and I kept nodding off, idk. Might be a me thing, but there wasn't really anything dynamic going on, and some stories I felt like I was being preached at about something.

Also, I understand that my Kindle copy is an unedited proof, so errors and typos are to be expected, but the amount of errors and typos, words left out of sentences, weird run-on sentences, etc. that I encountered when reading this were numerous and it took me out of almost every story consistently.

And this one's probably a big one, but three of the authors included in this (David Bowles, Isabel Ibañez, and Sara Faring) have apparently been accused of being anti-indigenous, so that adds another layer of I-don't-know-what-to-rate-this. I tried doing a Google search to find any kind of article or blog that explains what any of their "controversies" (for lack of a better word), but I haven't found much of anything, so if anyone would be so kind as to point in the right direction so I can read more about their respective situations, I'd appreciate it, thank you. I wish I had known about those three authors before I picked up this book, but what's done is done, I guess.

I will say, though, that one thing I did live about this book is getting a peek into the different Latines diaspora via cultures, myths, and things like that. If nothing else, the diaspora is at least one thing this anthology does right.