A review by natixii
H2O by Virginia Bergin


I almost gave this book a 2 because it was fast and easy to read. But you know those people that if the world were to come to a halt right now you at least wouldn't have to deal with them any more? For 90% of the book that is who the main charicter is. The wrighting is poor, the main charicter is nauseating, and from the way it read the author probably hasn't acctuly ever experienced dehydration... or even really looked it up, which is odd as it is a BIG plot point.

And yes, I am not a teenager, YA is not my preferred reading group, I only read this because a co-worker insisted it was amazing. So I am very much not the target audience of this. But trust me, if I had read this as the asshole teenager I used to be I would be even less forgiving then I am being now.

The good thing, and it almost hurts me to say that, is that by the end the main character does seem to acctuly show some growth and development.