A review by justmevictoria
Dr. Perfect by Louise Bay


Being snowed-in with the grumpy boss wasn’t in her plans…

With her sights set on attending Le Cordon Bleu, all Ellie needs to do is work at Dr Zach Cove’s new private practice for nineteen months and then she’s free to finally embark on her life-long dream. But as the weeks go by with no patients, she’s starting to get a little antsy, especially when Zach doesn’t appear to be trying very hard to get his practice up and running, despite spending all day in his office. When Zach dashes off to Scotland unexpectedly, she’s soon tasked with getting some important documents delivered to him within the next day or two. Only problem is, no courier service can get it to him in such a short amount of time - so it’s off to Scotland and the remote island that Zach has holed himself up on. It was meant to be a quick stop to deliver the documents, but with a snowstorm bearing down and the ferry sporadically operating, Ellie and Zach soon find themselves living together in a cozy one-bedroom cottage as they wait for the storm to pass. Having escaped to Scotland to finish writing his first ever novel, having a houseguest wasn’t on Zach‘s agenda. But having Ellie keeping him company and well-fed has been a welcome change to his plans, making is so much easier to write the romance subplot his agent had suggested his book needed. They hardly spoke while in the office together, but now they have all the time in the world to get to know each other, and the snow-covered cottage is exactly what was needed to make the chemistry between them sizzle. 

I adored getting to know a little about the rest of the Cove siblings during Jacob‘s story in book one, and Zach was the character I was most excited to get to follow next, so I’m glad he had book two! Although, I’m excited to get to know more about all the Cove family throughout the rest of the series. 

Ellie and Zach had some cute chemistry, although I wish there was a little bit more of a build-up in their connection prior to them being confined to a snow-swept cottage - it’s clear they both had a bit of an attraction to one another, but we didn’t really get to see that played out on the page too much before they gave into that attraction. In saying that, once they were together, they had a really great chemistry. 

You know what I really want to see? Zach’s hospital murder mystery book as an actual book! From what we hear about the book as Zach works on edits, I’d be pretty interested in actually reading the book - can we please have a Rainbow Rowell moment where the fictional book mentioned in the book actually becomes a real book? It would be much appreciated! 

A trigger warning for mentions of previous emotional abuse when it comes to Ellie and her ex, which we do get to see a little of on-page. Louise ensure there is a great moment where Ellie finally stands up for herself against her ex, realising how manipulative he had been and that she never needs to feel that manipulation again. 

While there are less Grey’s Anatomy vibes in this installment, if you’re a sucker for doctor and workplace romances, with a generous serving of forced proximity, this is certainly one to slot into your TBR!