A review by kame
HOT Shot by Lynn Raye Harris


4 ½ Stars

Jack Hunter is a man consumed by his job. He has nothing to live for now that the love of his life along with his unborn child died in an accident. As a sniper nothing can break his concentration on his targets, then someone HOT never expected to be at the compound walks into view; Gina Domenico – one of the world’s most popular pop stars, and his wife Hayley’s favorite. Not only must Jack execute his mission but as fate would have it he must also rescue Gina. He never thought he would ever see her again after the transport found them, but three years later he answered his phone and the desperation in her voice changed his life forever.

Gina maybe a pop superstar but she has not forgotten her past and the hard life that fostered the inner toughness that resonates so well in this story. She is no way the toughest heroine in the HOT series but she fits in nicely with all the ladies. Her presence even helps show a softer side of Lucky. Gina is warm, forgiving and has a sharp wit and tongue when needed. Some of her exchanges with Jack made me chuckle and others made me want to give her a high-five for putting him in his place. Jack is the typical HOT hero, an alpha who doesn’t have that much of a softer side. He has reason to be angry with Gina when they meet again, but for me he held the grudge a little too long. The grudge might also have to do with the fact that Gina lives a lifestyle he has never known or could ever afford. Jack has a hard time realizing there could be enough love in his heart for Hayley and Gina; and he realizes he really hasn’t gotten over the loss of his wife and unborn child. Gina does lack patience with this, which I questioned given the timeline of the book.

The nature of the plot makes a blossoming romance tricky. It was a tense situation and a quick succession of steamy scenes would seem rather a stretch for these characters and the plot. Because of that this book seems to have less steamy scenes; however the ones that are included are a pleasure to read. It is a quick plot with an epilogue a few months later. Outside of the great interaction between Gina and Jack were the appearances of all the other HOT heroes and their ladies. By the end of the book you really got a sense of how close all these characters are. Outside of the HOT characters there are few secondary characters, a tight “cast” is something I love as it is easier to read. This book has the right amount of action and steam and a few heart string pulling moments too.

Hot Shot is the fifth book in the series, and while I was frustrated that I didn’t get to read it right away when it was released, I am now so happy that I have the next book (and the one after that) sitting on my kindle right now so that I can immediately dive into the next installment. I enjoy the HOT series immensely and right now I am on a binge read!

I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley for my honest review.