A review by heididt19
Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce


This book is about a girl named Aly. Her father is the spy master of her country, Tortall, and her mother is the KIng's Champion. She wants to be a spy, but her father will not allow it.Her mother is pressuring her, telling her that as a sixteen year old she needs to figure out what she wants to do in life. To get away from this she takes a break and sails to her relatives house. She thinks it is too early for pirate season but is, unfortunatley, incorrect. She is taken on a slave ship. In order to escape being sold, she fights frequently on the ship and throws herself into trouble. This means, that when they get to the land, she lokks like a fighter and no one wants to buy her. The pirates gift her to the Balitang, when she does not sell. She finds them to be kind people, but they are soon exiled by an unstable king. She goes with them when they are exiled, planning to spy to convince her father to hire her. There she is a Laurain(white)surrounded by Raka(natives). One of the Raka gods ,Kyprioth,makes a deal with her. If she can keep the two eldest Balitang girls alive, he will use his influence to convince her father to let her work. She agrees and later learns it is a plot to put Raka women on the throne. Kyprioth also makes a deal with the crows and Aly become friends with Nawat, A crow turned man. But will she be able to fufill her end of the deal? Will her parents find her?

I think this was a good book. I like how throughout the book she realizes how much more like her mother she is, even though Aly thought they were opposites. I think girls will like this book more because the main character is a girl. It is mostly about her protecting the Balitangs and rallying support for the revolution, but it is also a bit of a love Story. I also like how Tamora Pierce's series' all take place in the same world at different times in different places.