A review by amandaventure
The Final Score by Jaci Burton


The Play by Play series by Jaci Burton has always been a little hit or miss for me. Sometimes I love the stories and characters and sometimes they fall flat. The Final Score was a combination of both those things. I LOVED Nathan and was so excited to see him all grown up and falling in love. I liked his story arc as well. But at the same time I didn’t like Mia or her story arc. It’s weird. I’m kind of split down the middle on this one. Also after finishing reading, I’m still super confused about some stuff.

The ages of the characters were the biggest thing that confused me and kept pulling me out of the story. Mick retired from football at 37. In book one where he meets Nathan’s mom he’s 30 and Nathan is 14-15. So if those ages are correct, Nathan is only 21 or 22. But the book says he’s already graduated college, was drafted into the NFL, and spent at least a season under Mick’s tutelage. Also Mia is supposed to be the same age and she’s already opening her own sports PR management firm and has enough money to do so? She has enough money to buy a townhouse in San Francisco and rent an office in the Embarcadero and start up a firm and she’s 22? NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY LOGICAL SENSE! San Francisco is incredibly expensive even for middle aged people who’ve had a good career for most of their adult life! How are these kids magically able to afford everything without any apparent financial burdens? Maybe if Mick was 40 and Nathan and Mia were 25-26, I would have been able to plausibly consider their circumstances to be true. However, as it was set up this doesn’t make a lick of practical sense. What effing experience does a 22 year old have to start up her own PR firm and handle multi-million dollar projects without ever having had a job in that industry before? Who in their right mind would sign with someone like that? Where is she getting the money for startup costs? It’s just a spiral of unending questions that don’t have an answer. Pretty much this was me the entire time I was reading this:


But when I chose to ignore the ages and just pretend everyone was about 3-4 years older it made the story more plausible.

So much of the characters’ behavior was mind boggling to me. I just didn’t get it. In fact, Mia’s behavior was so dumb that it made me not really like her very much. I’ll explain
SpoilerOK Mia… you have to be the dumbest broad I’ve ever read. It’s like: o no… a photographer took a photo of you with Nathan and a couple of articles were published speculating on a romance. It makes perfect sense for you to dump him on the grounds that you’re protecting his career! There’s no possible way that after a few days the stories would die down on their own and people would lose interest! If this wasn’t already clear; I’m being extremely sarcastic right now. I wish there was a “sarcastic” font.

Now, regardless of all the puzzling ages and behavior, I was mainly reading this because Jaci Burton writes great smut. Seriously… it’s top notch! And boy was it ever in The Final Score! There may have been less smut than usual in but it was just as steamy as ever. 10 out of 10, would recommend! Nathan was wonderful and I really loved him. He was just a great guy and his story arc was believable even though it could have gone deeper than it did. Even with all the confusion I was feeling, I did still enjoy Nathan and the smut which are the things I was really reading this for in the first place.