A review by courtthebookgirl
Arrival Stories: Women Share Their Experiences of Becoming Mothers by Christy Turlington Burns, Amy Schumer


This collection of personal birth stories (including stories from caregivers who witnessed births) from celebrities to women globally is powerful and appropriate for Mother’s Day Weekend.

The stories in this book give a wide swath of “arrival stories,” from c-sections to natural births, home births, and everything in between. It addresses the disproportionate care received by Black and Brown women. It shares “horror” stories as well as beautiful moments.

Don’t let the glossy, pretty cover fool you. This is anything but a “light” read. It battles systemic racism, inadequacies in health care, the failures of America health care, harrowing birth stories and aftercare, and so much more. In the end, I found it powerful and empowering, but it was also incredibly eye-opening.