A review by savaging
Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation by Sunaura Taylor


Sunaura Tayler 'crips' animal liberation and critiques speciesist trends in ableism. The result is beautiful.

I've never encountered such a thoughtful, caring critical theory about other species. Those who care about other species need this: we need new ways to think about dependence and worth. I don't want to slide into that eco-theory that hates all domesticated beasts for being dependent. I don't want to slide into that veganism that idolizes thinness and health. And I also don't want to slide into an anti-ableism that carefully segregates us as superior to all other species out of fear that disabled people will be treated 'like animals.'

Instead I want this care, humility, open-mindedness, and fierce commitment to solidarity across difference.

I'm so happy this book exists.