A review by scarletohhara
Broken April by Ismail Kadare


The first few pages of this book talk about Gjorg's distress in enough detail to make me feel it myself and feel the weight of Kanun rest on the story. And that's how the main protagonist of this story, Kanun got into my psyche, making me wonder the social reason for it's existence and it's future. It's unabashed acceptance in the Albania society in the face of the brutality is something to be pondered. No matter where the story took me for the next 200 odd pages, a niggling feeling about the cold-bloodedness of Kanun couldn't be shaken.
And yet the story moved, making me hope and feel for the minor protagonists along the way and this, I think is Kadare's mastery.
Read this book for an introduction into a slice of the life in the Albanian mountains. Read this, so you can ponder on how lucky you are that Kanun didn't apply to you. Read this book to expand your horizons, wee little bit.