A review by jekutree
The Planetary Omnibus by Warren Ellis


Planetary is one of the best stories that the comics medium has to offer. It’s as simple as that. Comics such as League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Black Hammer both do the same thing as Planetary, honor the fiction of the past while shining a new light on it. Planetary does it more subtly and crafts a unique story that can be enjoyed without understanding all the little references. But that’s what makes Planetary so great. The fact that all the little nuances and references allow for near unlimited re-readability.

The art and writing both feature Cassaday and Ellis at the tip tops of their games. Both crank out a product that is endlessly entertaining, rewarding and captivating. The characters are all very likable and the pastiches of The Fantastic Four, James Bond, John Constantine and Tarzan are among the most well done in my opinion. Even the original characters, are awesome. Elijah Snow is definitely in the running for coolest comic book characters of all time.

Ellis writes an amazingly creative narrative that also serves as a love letter to 20th century media and tells it in the most 21st century way.

Planetary is one of the greatest works of the comics medium and for that reason I’m giving it the easiest 10/10 I’ve ever given.