A review by screwydecimal
My First Five Husbands... And the Ones Who Got Away by Rue McClanahan


I've always half-jokingly called the character "Blanche Devereaux" a personal hero of mine. After reading this memoir, I've discovered that there's some actual merit to the claim that goes beyond my love of "The Golden Girls." Ms. McClanahan presents the story of her life in a hilarious, self-deprecating, and charmingly loquacious fashion. A veteran in the war of love and one of the most hard-working ladies on stage and television, she gives, through her stories, practical yet inspirational perspectives on relationships, career success, and general happiness. She also, with no apologies (but with much cautioning), discusses her frequent romantic stumbles (five husbands is certainly nothing to sneeze at) and explores the darker corners of her life - her anxiety/frequent panic attacks, insecurity, etc. - making her wholly relatable and endearing. This book was a fun, breezy read, laced throughout with humor, emotion, and Rue's trademark witty & sexy style.