A review by pause_theframe
Shadows of Whitestone Manor by Brittany Jo James


After reading the first book in The Winters Family series, I was instantly wanting and waiting for James to give us the sequel. I was a huge fan of her writing style, the depth of character and the plot. That being said, you can imagine that I expected a lot and more from this second book in the series.

I was not let down. This book is brilliant! As an extension to the series, it picks up right where we left off, with a few straggling details and events of a more mild nature to take care of, such as a wedding. Just as you settle in and prepare for the real action, BAM, James hits you with the excellent storytelling you love from her.

As I expected, James has given us a second book that is just as deep and intricately woven as the first. The level of detail she has built into the world makes it easy to feel as though you are a part of it yourself. The action is written well and easy to imagine, in your mind, leaving you feeling truly a part of the story. Just as I love, the characters are filled with their own personalities, desires and stories to tell. Each character is alive and real in their own way, allowing to to grown fond of some and really be irked by other…you’ll know who I mean when you read it.

I really liked how the plot and story of the series carried forward, in this second book. I felt as thought we were still a part of the overall Winter Family story, but we also had a few new things to intrigue us as well.

All in all, I was surprised, kept on my toes and completely hooked on this book, from page one.

Not only did I love this book, but I love the entire series and highly recommend you start from book one and grab every book after!