A review by schwrtzdnll28
The Game Changer by Lana Ferguson


I loved this book. I loved Delilah and Ian so much, individually and together. I love that I know that Lana didn’t always love this book, that she had to work hard to write it and love it - because it turned out SO GOOD. I love a hockey romance so really I was always going to like it!! And brother’s best friend?? And the fact that he was her childhood crush and now they’re fake dating so they both can get some good PR?? It was SO GOOD.

What I really liked was that Delilah and Ian were ALWAYS SOLID, there was never a moment where their relationship, or even friendship, or feelings were in question. Yes they took a minute to define things, but once they started their fake relationship, that was it, they were in it together. All of the conflict was based on things outside of their relationship and I loved that they were always solid.

I also loved how supportive Delilah was of Ian. He was coming home feeling very unsure of so many things, he was keeping secrets that weren’t his and he didn’t know how he would fit into his old life. But Delilah was there for him the whole time, no matter what!

And the two of them were PERFECT. Lana knows how to write a sexy book! And they were fun and sweet and sexy and so SOFT FOR EACH OTHER! I loved their chemistry and their banter and their love for each other, even before their deep romantic feelings. They also prioritized their friendship, and Ian’s friendship with Jack which I thought was so sweet. They didn’t want things to change, but they also wanted to figure out the next step and they did it so well!

Here’s hoping Jack gets his own book!! I feel like I saw her saying something about it happening, maybe happening?? Hopefully happening?? But in the mean time I AM excited this one coming out so soon and about Under Loch and Key in December!!

Thank you so much to Berkeley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!