A review by blodeuedd
Fury of the Demon: Demon Novels, Book Six by Diana Rowland


I do love this series, but if I have to be fair, then this one was not as awesome as previous book. It felt like a filler, who am I kidding it was a filler! Nothing happened for the first 300 pages. Then something happened fast and then it was all talk and plans again. So yes 500 pages were too many.

Does something happen? Eh, not really. Kara is slipping cos of what R did. They need to get Idris back. Much talking and planning. She thinks about her demon lover. She thinks about Ryan not being Ryan in the end. yes a lot of thinking going on.

I still love this series and crave the next book. Because she learns something at the end, what does that exactly mean?

So I hope the next one will be action packed again, cos this was, too much talking.