A review by ilovegravy
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck


tldr: It’s not often that a book gets me in my feelings, but this one did.

So apparently kids in the UK analyse this book in school. Luckily, in Lithuania we don’t. I didn’t have the emotional maturity to fully appreciate most of the literature we went through in classes and so I’m glad I didn’t waste my first impression of this book on being an edgy 16 year old.

I know quite a few people with mental disabilities and the pure innocence of their joy is one of the most beautiful things I see around me. Their sadness or confusion, however, fills me with emotions on the other side of this very spectrum.

I can’t possibly phantom living a life of the main character. Caring for a companion as his in the world so cruel. I guess sometimes you have to remember how bad it used to be to appreciate how it is now.

This is one of those books where nothing really happens till the very end where you get punched in the gut (you knew it’s gonna happen, but it’s still unpleasant), and then it ends. And you just kind of sit there thinking, feeling…

Well I can see why it’s on the school reading list. It definitely has essay potential.