A review by joyousreads132
The Hotter You Burn by Gena Showalter


As you can tell, I've been on a romance kick lately. I tend to read these books quickly, because they're not really the type of books where you need to pull a muscle so you can enjoy them. And if you're lucky enough to find the right ones, some books has the uncanny ability to poke you right in the sternum. Suffice it to say, this book really got to me.

This is the story of Beck, the unapologetic playa of the Original Heartbreakers. His mantra has always been give them what they want, but be honest about what you can give. Commitment is the one thing he's unable to give. But if there's anything he's committed to, is solving the puzzle that is, Harlow Glass. She doesn't know this though. They haven't even met. Beck found a box of pictures belonging to the former owner of the Glass House. As soon as he saw the echoing longing, pain and loneliness in her eyes, he couldn't stop obsessing about her.

Harlow Glass is as poor as a mouse. The fall from grace was not well, graceful. She's homeless, jobless and the town of Strawberry Valley would rather see her die than help her - or employ her, even. The once owner of the Glass mansion is as destitute as they come. She lives in a tent in the woods living off the land, as it were. When she breaks into her former house to steal food, Beck caught her and decided that it was his chance to keep an eye on her. So he employed her to do the artistic work for the gaming company he's a partner of. Their interaction is hilarious; complete with sassy banters and awkward one-sided flirtation (Beck).

I think the toughest thing to read about this book was Harlow's abject poverty. The townspeople laughed and ridicule her with every misfortunes that befall her. She was a former bully who has had a rough life, and while she's learned from her mistakes, the people of SV weren't so quick to forgive her. It hit me time and again how she was so willing to accept her 'punishments', and that she's quick to tell herself that she deserves every bit of bad luck that comes her way. As much as I dislike books that feature damsels being saved by knights, I was glad when Beck stepped into the picture to give her a job, a home and some semblance of stability. I mean, Harlow was a pretty strong woman determined to live her life according to her rules, but it's pretty tough when the girl can't catch a break.

Beck is far from the white knight hero, though. Events from his past made him wary of love, feelings and commitments. He fears taking a chance at being happy with another person and considers love a crutch he'd rather not depend on. I still like him as a hero, though. He's a loyal friend, he's kind to all his 'lady loves', and generous at that.

These books offer more than your typical romance novels. I like that Gena is able to dig deeper and give us a bit more than the usual fares. This is a fantastic series if you're looking for a mental break.