A review by pagesareportals
Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow


At first, I was kinda bummed that I was coming to this book late. It came out in 2019 and I’m just reading it but honestly if I had read this during quarantine, I might not have come back out of the house…………..

My stomach hurt reading this shit and I had some very intense dreams over the week and a half it took me to get through it.

As a woman, a lot of these things were unfortunately familiar in a general sense. I’ve become slightly desensitized to a lot of the stories I hear as a way to protect myself and my sanity but the thing that always cuts through is the lack of empathy from the bystanders. The fact that you can look at someone in pain and say “ehhh it’s not that serious” and proceed to let perpetrators continue over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and still be like “ehhh is it really that bad?” It triggers me in the same way people who try to rebut police brutality as an issue make me wanna scream.

But as a woman in the film industry, this shit made me wanna throw up because in that context, I can absolutely understand how this shit happened. It’s the business of
“if you’re not exhausted, you’re not working hard enough”, a business of “well how badly do you want this?”, “you’re lucky to even have this opportunity, so don’t complain.” “IT COULD BE WORSE”

Yea well it could be a lot fucking better. And even now, people are so afraid to lose what they have that they are willing to just let things go for the sake of their future interests instead of their current safety.

I hope and pray that in the years to come, the faces of power will change.