A review by lolloreads00
Beautiful Stranger by Christina Lauren


In attempt to escape her cheating ex boyfriend Sara makes the big move to New York. At her best friends bachelorette party she meets a handsome stranger. They fool around a bit but it was never supposed to turn into something more.

Alright, this is the second book in the Beautiful bastard series and it’s just as spicy as the first one. Although they’re very different. Sara and Will have an arrangement, every Friday they meet up in different public places to hook up. It’s their thing. I know it sounds weird but it kind of works. Although I’m permanently scarred by the library scene.

Max is funny, very flirty and British. I mean who doesn’t love a man with an accent. I like that the characters from the first book comes back and that you get to see more of hot their relationship evolved.

I just have to mention one other scene that was to funny. At one point they got into a cab and the drivers comments had me laughing out loud.