A review by briannareadsbooks
Something Like Gravity by Amber Smith


ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

I have mixed feelings about this book, because on one hand, I think it's so important and everyone should read it. But on the other hand, I had a few things to critique about it. I thought this book was going to be the kind of contemporary that would make me bawl my eyes out. It wasn't.

To start with some things I don't like... Some paragraphs were just boring to me. When Chris was talking about space or when Maia was talking about Mallory, I'm sorry but I was bored. It's so funny because there are two instances in the book where both Maia and Chris ask the other "Am I boring you?" And the other is like, "No, not at all!" and I'm here reading like "I don't care about space!" Obviously, people who are interested in space might find it interesting, but I thought it was a failed attempt to sound deep. Also, I'm the kind of person who thinks everyone needs to see a therapist, especially when someone traumatic happens in their life. So, there were so many times where I just wanted the characters to see somebody, to talk to somebody, to communicate their feelings! But again, this is sort of a little joke of mine, yelling at the characters saying "Please see a therapist!! It would really help!!"

Maia was not that strong of a character in my opinion. I hated how she had no personality, and I was so excited when she mentioned liking Grease because it was finally the one time that she mentioned liking something. Even now, besides Grease, going tubing, and being a vegetarian, I really don't remember anything more about Maia's personality. Even in real life, people who don't have many dreams, interests, or passions kind of bore me, so Maia really was not interesting to me. Also, Maia turning everything around on Chris and telling him he lied too for not telling her he was trans is so akin to that scene in Love Simon where his friends get mad at him for not telling them he was gay lol. I hate hate hate everything about that trope. Also, Maia's story seemed a bit unfinished to me

But CHRIS on the other hand. Man, do I love that boy so so so much. One of my OCs is literally exactly like Chris (except his passion is marine biology), and I love my OC a lot, so of course I was bound to like Chris. I just think he's an amazing human with such a kind soul. I really don't think he did anything wrong throughout the whole book. You can argue that he wasn't treating Cole all that well, but I kind of don't blame him for wanting space. I mostly only liked reading from Chris' point of view, and I think the fact that he is trans was written so well. I know the trans friends I have that have struggled with a lot of the things Chris has struggled with that my cis people probably don't think about, and I think a lot of people will learn a lot from Chris. A lot of the time in books with trans protagonists, they are used to teach cis people about being trans. Chris was not like this and had his own passions, interests, personality, etc. I absolutely adore him.

One scene that I really loved that nearly made me cry was when Chris finally talked to his mom at the end. Their whole conversation was sweet, relatable, emotional, and raw. One of the best scenes in the book.

Also, off topic but the dog... I saw it coming... it still hurt.

Overall, I think this book brings a great, rounded, new story that we don't really see in YA fiction. We need more trans characters, period. But, I like how in this novel, the trans character wasn't created for the purpose of educating cis people. I like how Maia was fine with Chris being trans (and didn't completely cut him off like I've seen in many other books with trans protags). I like the theme of timing, if you can fall in love at the wrong time vs the right time and what that means for the characters. As a person who has written three novels that take place over the summer, I know first hand that summer loves are hard to carry on into the rest of the year, and I like how this book wrapped up their relationship. But there were a lot of boring parts, and I wasn't as invested in Maia's story as I was Chris'. Still a good read, but not my favourite.