A review by lizzycatslibrary
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan


I think that this is a book that you need to take the time to read. Not only do I mean to bother to pick it up but also to let yourself leisurely read through it and really soak up all the information and thought provoking issues that it brings out.

You really will learn a lot about where your food comes from. You will be forced to think about what it means to eat these different things and what choice you have in the matter. This may sound a little preachy... but I find that Michael Pollan is able to portray this story and the knowledge he acquires without smashing your face in it. He represents it realistically as well as emotionally. I can't stress how much I enjoyed the book.

Not only a work of art, this is true journalism in it's rawest form. As he investigates the food he eats he visits different groups of people, learning the way that they process (or don't process) the foods. From factory industrial farming to the presence of "big organic" it is completely enthralling and amazingly thought provoking.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in where their food comes from and in the larger impact that it has. I think it would be lovely if everyone read it... but we all know that isn't to be.