A review by brents
A Night Without Stars by Peter F. Hamilton


My journey through the Commonwealth universe is now complete, and I'm happy to say that Peter F. Hamilton absolutely landed the plane perfectly with this concluding volume. After Abyss Beyond Dreams kind of let me down it was a complete 180 with A Night Without Stars as I think it is my second favorite book in the whole universe after Pandora's Star.

My complaints with Abyss Beyond Dreams were basically that it didn't feel like science fiction and it didn't feel like a Commonwealth book. ANWOS corrects both of those issues. It gave me everything I wanted. He goes back to leaning into the futuristic tech and other aspects that make this series great. Also, the plotting political revolution plot is gone and replaced with a plot about actually trying to save the planet from the Fallers. And that plot is a rocket ship all the way until the end. And at the end Hamilton again shows that he's an expert at tying up all the threads in a very satisfying way.

If you are someone who maybe didn't read this because you weren't happy with Abyss Beyond Dreams do yourself a favor and pick this one up. This will be what you want. A fantastic end to a fantastic series which I would put right up there with the Sun Eater universe in my sci fan series rankings.