A review by thecryptsleeper
Across the Universe by Beth Revis


This book was captivating from the beginning. It starts out with Amy and her parents waiting around to get frozen, so they can be awaken 300 years later on a whole new planet, Centauri-Earth.

I absolutely loved the description of Elder's first time seeing Amy. It's where I read one of my favorite lines ever in a book. "I wonder what color her eyes are. I squint through the ice. I can see that her eyelashes are long and reddish-yellow- frex! I didn't know they made eyelashes like that!- but they are sealed firmly shut. All I know is that if a girl can have skin that pale and hair that red and eyelashes that sunshiny, then who knows what colors live in her eyes?"

Everyone on the ship is mono-ethnic, so Amy, being completely different in appearance then everyone else, stirs things up.

My favorite character was Harley. I can easily see his paintings in my head.

I love how Elder and Harley are so fascinated with the stars; it's heartbreaking. This book really made me view the world differently.

I can't wait to read more from Beth!