A review by imrogers
What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing by


An incredibly comprehensive guide to the different types of editing jobs and the tasks required for each, What Editors Do will prove useful to young people considering whether to make editing their careers, those just getting their feet wet with the craft, and seasoned professionals looking to learn about other types of editing jobs. The middle sections on the editing process itself (developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, etc.) are incredibly useful and detailed, while later chapters on editing literary fiction, editing genre fiction, freelance editing, etc. provide strong overviews of each. The list of resources at the end was quite welcome as well.

My qualms with this book were very few, namely that in being so comprehensive, certain chapters will no doubt come across as unnecessary to many readers on a cover-to-cover read (I'm looking at you, chapter on acquiring college textbooks). Aside from that, though, I recommend reading this book all the way through, if for no other reason than to discover new aspects of the craft and profession that you'd never considered.