A review by laylar
U Up? by Catie Disabato


I like reading about unlikable protagonists and messy women so I enjoyed the book a lot, the story was kind of ridiculous and the ending was a little predictable, but in all it was a fun ride. I like that the character was flawed and we saw her start to recognise that and take steps to grow, but it didn't get wrapped up in a neat bow. At the end she's still flawed, but trying, which I appreciate as feeling more real than a happy ending.

My one major issue with the book was the use of the n-word, as recited lyrics from a song. Entirely unnecessary, added nothing, could very easily have been left out, so not sure why the fuck the author and/or editor/publisher decided to include it? Almost seems like going out of your way to be shitty tbh. Wasn't a recurring issue through the book. As others have mentioned, lesbian slurs were used but since the book is about a lesbian and written by a queer woman, that's not an issue for me the same way that a white woman including the n-word for the fuck of it is.