A review by vmusing
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


First and foremost, I would like to include a link to help support the Quileute tribe as well as a link to inform yourself more on the real tribe vs how they are misrepresented in Twilight. The tribe has not received any compensation through Stephanie Meyer nor the series/movies merchandise, despite Stephanie Meyer's misappropriation of their culture and legends in the books and movies.

Wow. I just finished this, not ten minutes ago. I think my thoughts are a bit jumbled, but I am going to try and create a coherent review. I don't posses the words to express how much I adore this book. I was very hesitant to pick it up, and even pre-ordered it twice before cancelling both times, considered going and buying it on release day, deciding not to, and then actually committing to purchasing it two days later. My hesitation came because of my distaste for finding out how the Quileute's have been treated with the release of the original novels and movies, as well as the fact that it has been about 12 years since I originally read this story. 11/12 year old me would have died for this story, but 23 year old me is more aware of some of the negative impacts of this story, as well as had my eyes opened to the toxicity of the relationships in the books.
With all of that aside, I enjoyed this book so much. I think I honestly prefer it being from Edwards point of view, and I am back to being full force Team Edward. I don't think his behavior is necessarily excused in this book, but it is explained. Being in his head we can see and understand his intense protectiveness of Bella. What comes off as possessiveness in Twilight, is clear to be concern for her safety and well being in Midnight Sun. I still had some problems with his behavior though. He for sure has self hate, but often unintentionally takes that out on Bella. The problem is that he rarely apologizes to her (he is hard on himself in his mind, however I don't think enough is done to soothe Bella's feelings when this happens) This also brings me to a few funny points. As a reader of Twilight, I genuinely did not know how deeply Edward felt for Bella, and this is due completely to his lack of communication, as well as being stuck in his own head. There is a scene where Bella is questioning Edwards feelings for her, and says that she clearly cares more for him than he does for her, which is absurd to Edward. He wonders how she can possibly think this, how his feelings aren't obvious to her. As the reader it is hilarious to see this, because he does not communicate this well at all, but is SO in his head and feelings that he assumes she must know, even though he hasn't outwardly communicated this. I also appreciate that Edward seems to acknowledged what a dumb bitch Bella can be. He questions her sanity seriously, wondering if there is something truly mentally wrong with her, and considers admitting her. Reading this was absolutely hilarious, as well as when he agrees with her that she is an idiot. I love that he is aware how dumb she is, but still loves her.
I also thought it was beautiful watching Edward fall in love, though I do think, if at all possible, this was even more insta lovey than Twilight. It seemed as though he fell in love with her without really knowing much about her. But, we do get to see his reasons. He talks about how kind, good, pure Bella is, how she puts her own needs aside for the needs of others. How selfless she is, and how different from most human teenagers. I couldn't help but fall in love with Bella a bit as Edward described her kindness. However, there was definitely a-lot of "she's not like other girls" through this, which was a bit irritating to me. I was not surprised with this, though.
The meadow scene as well as the two after, are still my favorite. Made more so by seeing it through Edward's eyes. I don't know if I will ever get over the romance and love that leaks off the pages and into my body from reading those scenes. I was absolutely swooning the entire time.
I loved getting to see more in depth scenes with the other characters, and getting to know them a bit better through their minds. I love the nod to Angela Webber being such a kind and wonderful person. I loved the interactions with Edward's family. Especially with Emmett. They had such a cute brother relationship, and I really loved how swiftly Emmett felt brotherly love and protectiveness towards Bella. So sweet.
The ending was not that interesting to me. I was very curious to see from Edward's point of view how he reacted to finding Bella so beat up from the tracker, and I was anxious to be in his head as he sucked the venom out. I wanted to see him grapple with not letting his feeding frenzy overtake him. Honestly, it was a bit anti-climatic. I do believe that is because I obviously knew he would stop, but I think I expected it to seem more intense from his side of things, when to me it seemed almost too easy for him to stop, too easy for him to be around all Bella's blood. But, I think this is me being a bit cynical.
I am not super happy with the ending. I don't like that we find that Edward is deceiving Bella, that he does not plan to stay with her. Of course, this makes sense and is the perfect lead up to New Moon. He says that he is awaiting the sign to leave her, and is sure he will find that strength. The incident with Jasper in New Moon is obviously the "sign" he has been waiting for. (Though, now it is even more difficult for me to believe Jasper's reaction to Bella's blood in New Moon. He showed incredible restraint when they found Bella by not attacking her with a river of blood around her, and then again in the car on the way to the hospital. Bella and Edward both are covered in her blood, yet Jasper is able to resist and get them to the hospital. So her paper cut at her birthday in the next book is hardly a believable reason for Jasper to attempt to attack her. But I digress) I think I myself feel deceived, because at the end of Twilight I believe he will stay with her forever. His love is not at all in question, that much is clear. But, I don't like that even here he is planning to leave her.

All in all, I am mostly in love with this book. The nostalgia combined with my incredible resurgence of love for Edward after knowing him more intimately has made this a 5 star read for me, as well as possibly my favorite book of the year. I am happy.

I am sure this review is a mess, I did not reread for typos or coherency, so take it as you will lol.

edit: also, Edward calls Bella "the girl" for a large amount of this book, which was interesting. After he falls in love with her, he tapers off and finally stops completely and just calls her Bella.