A review by foolishcatalyst
The White Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon


This was an improvement on the first book in so many ways. While the first book was all action - with the occasional break for some therapy - this one is a comparatively slow-paced political mystery thriller.

Sadly, the sense of community from the first book is lost as Skanandron, Amberdrake and their new families are brought to a foreign kingdom (whose lands they have accidentally claimed for their new home). Also, Zhaneel and Winterhart are sidelined as their roles are now "wives and mothers" and very little else. Which is a pity, Zhaneel especially was a delight in the first book, where she was a horny little weirdo as well as a skilled fighter. Gesten is also present in this book, but I don't think he speaks a single line, which is a damn shame as well.

But the plot and pacing of this book honestly surprised me with how good it was. The setting is still wonderful, and far easier to parse now that the focus is of the war (which is apparently still ongoing elsewhere.) The villain was genuinely creepy, and the growing air of suspicion over the entire cast throughout the second act was surprisingly effective. Overall, a very good book. I just wish it did its female (and lizard) characters more justice.