A review by courtney_saba
Stained Hearts by Helen Scott, Serena Akeroyd


I think I'm psychic. Or at least, I'm good at predicting predictable books.

This was really hard to get through. I skimmed it for the most part and only paid attention to the sexy times.

The immaturity, dialogue, overly protective assholes, instalove without relationship development, Mary Sue and Special Snowflake Syndrome, "she's more powerful than anyone in history and getting more powerful by the day" shit, secret keeping even though they have literal bonds and need to be open with each other in order to survive and trust one another, unbelievable circumstances and plot points, lack of plot, rampant jealousy, and the plethora of abusive parents made this book intolerable.

Also. Can we talk about how their only insult is using the word "bitch?" And how freaking judgemental Marchella is? She's annoying and is prone to mood swings. Her personality has done a 180 and she's not the same as she was in the first book. I don't know if this a good thing or not, tbh, but I didn't like her either way. Also, the amount of nicknames for Marchella in this book is ludicrous. And because I'm me and I want you to suffer with me, I wrote each and every one of them down:

Ocelle, inamorata, sweetness, sugar, baby,
darling, sweet, sweetheart, sweets, Chella,
Ella, little one, piccola, doll, cherub, sexy

I mean... Goddamn. 16 NICKNAMES. Pick one and stick with it. Jesus.

I knew this series would become unbearable, but I was keeping my hopes up. I really don't want to continue this series, but I'll probably skim book 3 just so I can read Marchella's consummation with her final mate. The sex is the only good thing here. Trust me.

Would I re-read this book? No.
Would I recommend this book? No, unless you only read the smut. Then have at it, but it's still probably not worth it.
Was I entertained? I'm all for an RH romance, but this one made me suffer a little.

Happy reading, Goodreads fiends.