A review by cr0wnofthemoon
Dangerous Deception: by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl


4.5 stars

I really enjoyed Dangerous Deception, but the only major thing I disliked about it was the ending, and that's because it wasn't what I was expecting.
SpoilerPart of me hoped that Ridley and Nox would be in some kind of dream state, and Link would be the knight in shining armor and rescue them. This was not the case. Of course, the only person who could rescue Ridley Duchannes was Ridley Duchannes, even if she wasn't quite herself by the end of the novel.

I loved seeing the story progress through the perspectives of the different characters (those being Link, Nox and Ridley - usually in that order). It kind of reminded me of how TV shows tell their stories, except with less confusion as it is all one story arc and not multiple ones at once (I'm glaring at you, True Blood).

One of the things I really commend about the novel is that its not a copy of Beautiful Darkness, or a repeat of Dangerous Creatures, the story is completely fresh; at least something I've never personally read before. I only wish it were longer.

If you're a fan of Link, like me, then you will enjoy this book. If you're a fan of Nox, unlike me (I mean I like him but Link is my babe), then you will enjoy this book. However Ridley, despite having multiple chapters from her point of view, feels very absent from the story.
SpoilerPerhaps because she's spends most of her time high as a kite and unaware of her surroundings.
Also, don't expect much Link/Ridley (do they even have a ship name?) action, because they spend 90% of the novel separated.

All in all, this is a really enjoyable story, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next installment of the Dangerous Creatures series (assuming there is a next installment... pretty please?)