A review by vigneswara_prabhu
The Filth by Grant Morrison


There are books that are not meant for younger readers, and then there are books DEFINITELY NOT meant for younger readers. Which, at this point might encompass half of Morrison's body of work.

If you thought his panels in the psychedelic [b:Batman: Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth|22374|Batman Arkham Asylum - A Serious House on Serious Earth|Grant Morrison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388209338l/22374._SY75_.jpg|1807553] was bonkers, you have seen nothing as to what he has been upto in the inprint world of [b:The Invisibles|13227839|The Invisibles|Grant Morrison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1529755779l/13227839._SY75_.jpg|18419660] and [b:The Filth|22356|The Filth|Grant Morrison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388305314l/22356._SY75_.jpg|950242].

As befits its title, the Graphic novel is filled to the brim with body horror, the worst versions of western decadence, misanthropy and a general disregard for anything sunshine.

Where the horror in something like an Ito Junji novel, comes from its Lovecraftian eldritch entitles, horrifying but neatly drawn, Grant Morrison induces horror in taking something familiar and bringing it down to the most debasing level.

For someone who has admitted to be partial to the use of psychedelics as a hobby, I'm starting to strongly suspect, he gets most of his ideas from a induced state of hallucination. I can almost imagine him, lying face down in the floor of his apartment, drugged up on who knows what, gazing intently at the dirt stain in the carpet, imagining a whole world in it.

Add to that it provides such a level of meta commentary of the genre, getting up in its own face, and leave you scratching your scalp.

So, if you want to read something mind numbing and 'filth' inducing, such that you feel the need to take a long bath in hot water, and scrub off all the gunk, this is your cup of tea. Ciao.