A review by krystlocity
Comic Book Tattoo by Rantz A. Hoseley


I bought this years ago-well, when it was new but never got around to reading it because it was so freakin' bulky. I finally dropped it on the passenger side of my bed and made it my "read before bed" book. I finished it many days ago, but didn't mark it as that 'cause I had to read all the artist/writers/colorists etc. bio's. Which ultimately just made me feel like a worthless idiot for not doing more to advance my dreams of becoming a comic book artist. Moving on...

This was a wonderful little collection of different art and story telling modes. While I wouldn't complain about any of the actual art, I would complain about some stories. I hated the literal dipictions of Tori's Songs (Bouncing off Clouds being the worst since I adore the song and see a lot of potential for good, deep storytelling within it-and what's it about? A mail delivery girl who bounces on freakin' clouds). Some were a little too hard to follow for me, but that doesn't quite mean they weren't interesting or that someone out there didn't relate to them perfectly, so they can hold some merit. My least favorite was Honey-it was hard to understand in all facets-the text was a hard font to read and there wasn't enough interest in the words written for me to wrestle though it-I didn't even read the whole thing, just skimmed it. So, my least favorites in general were the ones that were too vague and the ones that were too literal. If I could follow the story decently, I usually enjoyed them overall. Also, it seemed to me some of the people didn't properly understand the comic book form and I didn't like that-cause I love the traditional comic form-some of them were just picture books-and I realize that comics are just a form of pictures being needed/adding significantly to the story, but...there is a difference between comics and picture books, isn't there? I suppose some would say I'm being too close minded about it, which isn't very much like me. I guess people get more close minded the closer it infringes on their own personal passions. OK, again, moving on...

My favorites (*=top faves): *Girl, Toast, Little Amsterdam, Here. In my head, Suede, Baker Baker, The Beekeeper, Iieee, Leather was interesting, so was Precious Things, *God, Scarlet's Walk, *Cornflake Girl, and *Devils and Gods. But...

My most ultimate favorite: Siren!

...And I think that ends my review.