A review by mommasaystoread
I Can Explain by Missy Johnson


3.5 stars
Awkward Love is certainly the perfect name for this series, especially this book. Alana manages to get herself into some hilariously awkward situations right from the start. I liked both Chase and Alana and I enjoyed the banter between them, but while the chemistry and attraction are there in spades, I wasn't quite won over on the love between this couple. The story is definitely steamy and we get plenty of rumination on both sides about how they each want something real, but it felt like every time things were headed in a serious direction, they ended up in bed. I can appreciate the strong attraction, but this one relied on that a little too much. The idea that two seemingly intelligent adults couldn't keep their hands off each other long enough to define the relationship shows plenty of lust, but little in the way of love. The saving grace here for me was the author's wit and the crazy circumstances these two often found themselves in. It does make for an entertaining and fast paced read.