A review by goodeyreads
One-Star Romance by Laura Hankin



Thank you Berkley #BerkleyPartner for the #gifted copy



I wasn’t expecting to love this and I’m oh so happy I did. I did know prior that this is not a ROMANCE, but a fiction story with a side of romance. With that set in my mind I could really enjoy Natalie’s journey. I actually liked the time jumps in this one. The story telling was fantastic and that I didn’t feel like we were slogging through details that had happened, but instead pushing the story forward. It kept things from dragging and I had a hard time putting my headphones down for this book.

And even though this wasn’t a romance, I still loved the slow burn between Natalie and Rob. They both have to grapple with a lot that life throws at them. I liked that this felt true to life without being overly dramatic or feeling like it was nonsense. I could understand the thoughts and feelings and it is a book with such readability that it was easy to fly through.

I loved Natalie’s path. The ups and downs. Making mistakes and righting wrongs. Holding tightly to friendships and realizing the love of her life was so close to her for so long. It was a beautiful story and I can’t wait to read more from this author!

Overall audience notes:
- Fiction + Romance
- Language: low
- Romance: fade to black
- Content Warnings: cancer (side character), a parent develops dementia