A review by missyjohnson
Is This Anything? by Jerry Seinfeld


listened on a car trip. It is read by Seinfeld. It less a book and more just a collections of his jokes and bits over the years. It was only 5 hours and I am sure that hearing him "read" his bits was much better than reading them myself. You were able to hear his inflections and timing. It is really like a 5 hour comedy show of just Seinfeld. It is a little interesting to hear how his jokes and observations change throughout the years. Toward the end even though I was laughing, especially after he had a wife and kids, he almost sounded like a mean old man. some of my favorite jokes were about parents angry at their children and doing the "shout whisper", WWF and pitching the idea of WWF, TSA agents, and the things that we ate as children mainly about breakfast cereal and pop tarts.