A review by renpuspita
Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster

adventurous emotional hopeful mysterious fast-paced



After re-reading Kiss of Steel, it's just natural to continue re-read Heart of Iron. Beside, I kinda lost track with McMaster's london steampunk and instead read her other series such as Dark Arts (just book #1) and Legend of the Storm (read them all. I'm a sucker for DRAGON STORY Y'ALL!!). So, the next book, My Lady Quicksilver will be my first read. I decide to re-read both Kiss of Steel and Heart of Iron, because I read these books long, long, long time ago (KoS 7 years ago, HoI 5 years ago, and you expect that I will remember the story? Haha, not likely). Based on my old review, I admit that I have crushed to Paul Marron back then, lol. I still think he's the most charming cover model even he rarely did modeling these days. I like his long lean body compared to all that bulky men that graced all that MC or dark rom cover. Pass,pass and pass :P. Sadly the model for this book don't have bulky appearance, since Will is 7 feet tall, but heh, his hair already do justice (and why I talk about cover anyway?).

I upped the rating to 4,5 stars (damn it Goodreads, just implement that half star system already!), since my reading taste change and I can tolerate some things now. Yes, Will is brooding...can be too brooding sometimes with his "noble-cause" attitude toward Lena. But I found myself didn't mind. I correct my old opinion about I prefer Honoria-Blade relationship compared to Lena-Will. Honestly, reading about Honoria's prejudices can be too jarring, despite she just to do what she deemed best, but that also make me feel sorry for her. Lena is different, but not without her own burden. In this re-read, I did understand why Will and Lena behaved that way and I find that I can enjoy their relationship more now. More than Honoria-Blade. Okay, I know..shocking. I once talk to Ami, "hey I like Honoria-Blade rather than Lena-Will, because I remember Will's anguish is too much for me", which she replied "I don't remember Honoria and Blade's story". Lol, you are so mean Ami XD, but I understand why your favorite couples are Lena and Will. They might be not make it into my favorites, but I do like their dynamics. Like Ami, my favorite part is when Spoiler Lena going through loupe phase and when Will so desperate to save her. This moment is such a turning point. Both for them and for me as a reader

And now, next into My Lady Quicksilver. I plan to read all London Steampunk and it's spin off, Blue Blood Conspiracy, so good luck to me! :D

4 stars

Almost 2 years ago, I stumbled into a book that featured Paul Marron on the cover and because I stalk am a fans of him, I buy the book immediately without checking reviews first. After ooh-ing and ahh-ing after the cover, I read it with low expectation because honestly, steampunk is not my forte (at that time). Turn that I really love Kiss of Steel, which world building kinda remind me of Trinity Blood and Blade is...yum!

But, after some times I kind of forgot my fascination with this series and I bought Heart of Iron in this early year. I don't know, both Will and Lena just not hold my interest. After I bought the book, like usual, I placed it in my book selves and then..read another book. Bad habit of mine #sigh.

Last month, when I went to vacation and back to my parent home, my friend Tantri want to borrow some of my books. She said "I want to read a steampunk book that you'd reviewed on your blog". I ask her "which one? Kristen Callihan?", which she replied "No. The other one". And I got that she want to read Kiss of Steel, which lead me to brought Heart of Iron with me on the journey back to home.

Well, enough about the babbling, because I know you want to read my review (maybe, lol! :P). It took me 4 days to finish Heart of Iron. First, because I kinda forgot Kiss of Steel's story and I got overwhelmed with the steampunk aspect that I noticed, play more larger part than the previous books. Then, the characters itself. Will, he's brooding. But, TOO BROODING!! I know, I know, if you fans of Zsadist, you will love him. But I think that somehow he's too hard to himself and the world around him, include Lena who he desired from the first time he saw her. I really tired with "I'm not worthy for you" attitude toward Lena. The first half part is basically more like this:

Lena : Will, I want you
Will : No, Lena. I don't want to hurt you.
Lena: Why? I play games with you because I desire you too much. Those blue bloods are paled in comparison with you
Will : No, Lena. I don't want to hurt you.
Lena: But you never say your reason why I can't be with you!
Will : No, Lena. I don't want to hurt you.
Lena: Will! I want to have sex with you!
Will : I don't want to hurt you, Lena! Lemme' tell you something, but this kinda spoilerish. So
SpoilerVerwulven state happen because of loupe virus. And the virus transferred not just from blood contact, but from man's seed! So, even I really want to have sex with you, I just can't!
Lena: Well, even that, I still want you!
Will : *runs* *brooding* *snap to everyone*

These dialogue of course not happen in this book :P. I just try to summarize a tug and pull war between Lena and Will that make me so *yaaawn*. This couple is the opposite of Honoria and Blade. And maybe that's why I like Blade, because who do not want to be chased by a handsome bloke, while Will kinda grated my nerves. Anyhooo, after Lena being threatened by humanist, a human faction that want overthrow Echelon, the blue blood royalty ( must read book 1 first to know what Echelon are), the story become interesting! And finally, after Will gave up his stubborn attitude to Lena, the romance is sizzling! Ms McMaster give us a way how Lena can be with Will and those moment are heartbreaking. But also romantic...and well, hawt! Because...

Lena is virgin.. I know this is common. BUT...
Will is virgin too! So, hurrah for some virgin heroes! *throw confetti*. Love that both Lena and Will are virgin (which rarely happen in my bookishlandia), but their sex still steamy and make me fanning myself :P. Also really love that despite Lena is unexperienced as Will was, she do not hesitant to take control.

The world building become more complicated, more steampunk element throw there and here, and there are new players in the town. Some are humanist, lead by the mysterious Mercury and will play important roles for the next book. Others are Scandinavians verwulven clans and there are some history and tidbits for verwulven culture and the symptoms that human will endure when the loupe virus infect them. Might be some clue that the story will be placed into Scandinavia in the future. There are also some reveal about Lena's past with blue blood and why she enter the world of Echelon as spy. And even Lena look like a damsel in distress at first, she's a survivor and a fighter. She's not TSTL too, even she's barely in her twenties (but in that era, 20 considered as adult) and know a lot about politic inside Echelon. A handy ability that will saved Will to survived in the blue blood society.

If you miss Blade and Honoria, and the rest of Whitechapel gangs, they play some roles too. There's even a happy news for Blade and Honoria, and I'm glad that Blade still himself. Still cocky and full of charm! :D Just a little bit development for Honoria and Lena's relationship, but I'm glad that they finally didn't hide secret from each other. I really hope that their brother, Charlie will have his own book. But since he's still in his teenager age, maybe need many books to read his story.

I give 3 stars for the first half part and 5 stars for the last half part, which is heartbreaking but full of romantic moment, suspense, politics, and action. The next book will be about Mercury and Jasper Lynch, the Nighthawk's captain (kinda like police) who had been introduced in Kiss of Steel (but I don't remember him). There will be battle of the sexes of course, but with a terrific also rich world building and engaging story-telling that Ms McMaster has, I know I will enjoy it :)

 Will kissed her lips slightly, chasing away the questioning tone. "You know I love you," he said. Her body quivered againts his, but he pressed a finger to her lips, stalling her. " I would die for you, he told her. "I'd kill for you. I faced down mechanical squid, rampagin' humanist and lessons in ettiquette for you. I danced at a ball for you."

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