A review by juliette_21
Madam by Phoebe Wynne


This book had huge potential, but really disappointed me.
I love Scotland, it's my favorite part of the world and I was so so happy to read a book based in Scotland.
The whole boarding school idea sounded brilliant with a little Harry Potter Vibe to it.

It all went down hill after a hundred pages. The story started to get a bit muddled up and the secret hidden from Rose took up to much place and I was clearly not understand where the story was going.
Everything just seemed to go on and on and the story never seemed to have a sparkle and a punch to it.

When the secret finally unraveled the book just got weird and boring, I only wanted to finish the book and get it over and done with because it just didn't have much to it. The plot could have been great, I was expecting nice mystery not touches of pedophilic men teaching girls how to satisfy a man in a sexual way.

The positive points were the characters, Rose was a nice character and I could see how passionate she was about her job and stood up as best as she could in the horrible situation the girls were bought up in.
The other characters were nice enough but I think that Anthony could have been developed more even though some of his actions were abismal.
The other nice thing in this book was the detailing. I really pictured the story and the environment.

I must say some scenes in this book, as said previously, are really shocking and there's no warning before reading this book. As an avid book reader I could have picked this book up at 13 or 14 and those scenes are very explicit in my opinion.