A review by karteabooks
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce


Having previously read Miss Benson’s Beetle and meeting the author virtually at the Tasting Notes book club, I purchased this book straight away, but then left it on my bookshelf for far too long. 
Harold is retired and is a bit bored and stuck in his ways and then one day he receives a letter from an old work colleague containing bad news. Harold pens a reply and sets off to the post box, but when he reaches the post box, he makes a life changing decision. No spoilers as you in my opinion, you must read this book for yourself. 
Yes, it will make you laugh, cry and question Harold’s choices, but I found it was a great escape from the ‘real’ world as it is currently. 
I highly recommend this, just make sure you have some tissues close by as you will more than likely need them.