A review by mabookyard
Damsel by Elana K. Arnold


My Rating : 3🌟
"The weak, wishes. The strong, acts"
When I first read the blurb, I thought it would have more action, and a lot of inside politics and betrayals. But it turned out to be very different! It revolves around a Damsel rescued by the King, and her trying to figure out her past and what makes her, herself.
The writing was really good, and I have no complaints over it. The characters were minimal and that added depth to the main plot which was good. The character of the damsel, Ama, was portrayed good and we try to unravel the mystery that surrounds her as the plot progresses.
With that being said, I really didn't feel the power it was supposed to show with respect to the reveal, and it was really predictable. There were a lot of hints that were so obvious and it spoiled the ending for me. Also, we do not learn about any other characters and there were no character development or depth. Especially the King in question. Apart from him being the King, rescued the Damsel and is a dominant, we know nothing of him.
As much as the story intrigued me, it disappointed me as well. The ending was anti climactic for me, and would have loved to have some more depth to the characters. If you are someone who loves to read about kingdoms, dragons, rebel protagonist and good writing, check this book out!