A review by loverofromance
Texas Legacy by Lorraine Heath


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceI received this book for free from Avon in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Texas Legacy is a story that I have been waiting for YEARS for. Now for those not familiar with Rawley or Faith and that means you are missing out on one of the best trilogies I have ever read in romance. This trilogy was written back in the late 90's but some of the best love stories. I only never knew if Lorraine Heath would write this book but when I saw this on Edelweiss I was SUPER excited especially since its a story I have been waiting on for over ten years for. That is a LONG time to wait on a story. Let me tell you. hehe

Faith is the blood daughter of Dallas and Cordeligh Leigh (who is the couple in Texas Glory) Rawley is a boy they brought into their family who was being abused and sold by his father to men. Cordelia formed a strong attachment to Rawley and they brought him into their home and raised him. Faith and Rawley were childhood friends, always playing together but then as they grew older that friendship turned into something deeper than just puppy love. But Rawley didn't feel worthy of Faith, that he was too dirty for her and so he left the only home he had ever known and left her without saying goodbye. But when his father Dallas, has a heart condition and his mother pleads with him to come home he returns home and to Faith. Faith has never completely forgiven Rawley for leaving without even a goodbye. She has loved him for years, but now they Rawley is back for good, the feelings they have for each other. But both Faith and Rawley have old wounds that need to be healed before they accept what they can have together.

Texas Legacy was such a beautifully written story and even though I was *crossing my fingers* for it to be a full novel, I am still happy that Lorraine Heath actually wrote this book because it filled my core with such happy feels. We do get some fun interactions with the Leigh Family and seeing them with their children mostly grown and how playful they are with each other. We see Dallas and Leigh still so in love and happy although fearful of the future due to Dallas' heart condition. But the focus of the story is Rawley and Faith. Faith understands Rawley's past once she learns more than he realizes that she can because Faith underwent a form of abuse by someone she trusted and she became a single mother. We do get a flashback of Rawley and Faith on the evening before Rawley left the ranch and why he left and you can see how much Rawley and Faith were into each other, they just weren't completely open to it. But when they see each other again six years later we see that they are both more mature and independent and sure of themselves. I really enjoyed seeing them reconnect and learn each other again and become open to the love that has always been between them.

I found Texas Legacy to be a fun heart filled romance to give you the tingles and the good feels. Its a story of redemption, healing and letting love in!!!A TEXAS JEWEL!!

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