A review by nissahh
The Good Girl by Lily White, Dawn Robertson


5 WTF did I just read stars.

I don't even know where to start from, I completely suck at writing reviews, so fair warning, this isn't going to be a good review like the others.

I was already looking forward to this book because it was written by two of my favorite authors, so I knew it was going to be good, but not this god. Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now after finishing The Good Girl. At first I couldn't understand why it was called that(I can be a little slow when it comes to book titles sometimes, don't judge me), but as the story continued I understood why. It's a very fitting title.

I loved/hate the characters, they felt so realistic that it was somewhat scary. I can't pretend I know what problems they face, though I do understand the whole 'battling your inner demons' a little to well. I felt connected to Eleni, but at the same time, in the beginning, I couldn't stand her. I guess it was like Gabriel said, that she was wasting away her life. I see myself a lot in Eleni, I figure that's why I probably don't like her, because she reminded me of myself. Even though I don't drink and covered in tattoos (I only have one), I understand where she comes from and why she turned towards alcohol for a release. Towards the ending, I came to like her and admire her when she changed for the better.

Gabriel was the complete opposite, I loved him in the beginning, even though he was slightly creepy, and as the story went on, I understood why he did the things he did. At the same time I started liking Eleni, I started hating Gabriel for what he was doing, letting his demons win. But at the very end, I'm so happy for him, and once again I love him, which makes it so confusing, because apart of me still hates him.

The writing was exceptional, the descriptions were good and I could somewhat picture the surroundings (next time I won't listen to music while reading, Sing by Ed Sheeran and The Good Girl don't mix and I found myself laughing at the most random and horrifying parts in the book). I loved being inside the mind of two people who are fighting two different type of demons (oddly enough I thought of Criminal Minds while reading this).

I read somewhere on Facebook that they're writing another book together and I honestly can't wait for it.