A review by citrus_seasalt
The Golden Frog Games by Claribel A. Ortega


Another massively entertaining addition to the Witchlings canon!! I unfortunately can’t gush as much about the friendship as I did in my review with the first book, since the main trio was in a miscommunication-caused conflict for a bulk of the first half (unfortunately reasonable/relatable, they also did just get close. That kind of friendship might be strong, but not entirely unbreakable). That did mean we got to spend more time with Seven only, which while that might be a bummer for some people, personally I was interested in how she’d handle her anxieties and new responsibilities. There’s still a lot that hasn’t been covered in that arc/aspect, but I expect it’s going to be wrapped up either next book or in the end of the series(whenever that may be).

The stakes were a little higher for this book, too! Now there wasn’t a risk of toadification but death. Oof. (None of the main trio dies though, don’t worry.) The conflict wasn’t as connected to the main cast as the first book’s was, but that’s not to say it was unrelated, since it went hand in hand with the theme of Spare rights this book(and also Thorn being scapegoated). Honestly, so far I think the series is going a pretty good job at both showing Seven, Thorn and Valley making Spare history and helping others like them gain visibility, while also still needing more protection for them and their coven. (I’m sure the creator being an author of color definitely helps.)

I’m also noticing a reoccurring theme of a mystery relating to the main plot! I’ve been enjoying trying to solve the solutions before the end(this one I actually was able to guess!), but if it’s going to be continued in the next book(s) I hope it doesn’t become formulaic.

Overall this was an enjoyable read, even if I think the first book is slightly better: For instance, Valley had an introduced love interest/girlfriend this book, and there wasn’t much time to know Graves as a character before that?? There are some other characters that are significant to the main cast that, while they had a role in the story, I don’t think they had the time to be as fleshed out.  Anyhow. Sequels are always at a disadvantage, though, because they don’t have the privilege of being wholly original! I’m still going to be reading book 3(and, ideally, not fight a 9 year old for a library copy).

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