A review by stuck123
Inked in Lies by Giana Darling


I skipped through a large portion of book four so that I could get to this one haha. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't this. I remember seeing snippets of Lila with the girls in the previous books and I was SO curious about her and Nova's story.

So we have Lila and Dane at a young age when the book starts and the Booths move in across the street. Their dad is a known drug dealer and their mom is absent for a large majority of the time, leaving them with him. Their dad ends up killing their mom and after a short stint in foster care, the Booth's can take custody of them. Nova is around Dane's age and has this savior complex, so he does whatever he can to help them have a better life. Even if that means getting in with the fallen.

Over the years, Nova assimilates into the Fallen, and Lila by proxy starts to assimilate with the girls (HR). Around her teen years, Lila notices her feelings have turned romantic toward Nova but one night after she caught him post-hookup, he tells Lila she needs to do whatever she can to get rid of those feelings because he will never reciprocate.

So Lila takes his advice and starts dating this guy, after two years they are engaged and she is working at Eugene's as a bartender. Her fiance is prim and proper and all of the guys in the club give her tons of shit over it. One night he, Nova, and Lila are all at Eugene's, and Lila is ignoring Nova like she has done for the majority of the past two years but he isn't willing to stand for it anymore. The three of them start drinking and her fiance dares her to kiss Nova, she does and it starts something, which ultimately leads to her ending her engagement.

Throughout the book, they are very obviously exclusive but Nova doesn't want to make her his old lady of course until bad shit happens to her. (This is my one con about him) I was annoyed that Lila felt like she had to put herself in danger for the club especially when Nova was slow on the trigger with becoming exclusive but she was close with everyone by that point so I understood it.

Overall, I loved this one!!