A review by fabrice44
How Democracies Die by Daniel Ziblatt, Steven Levitsky


This book is a special one as it is the first one I found thanks to my wife. And it's a solid 5 stars. It shed lights on some US politic mechanism that I've found weird - the superdelegate of the democrat party - and gave an explanation about the extreme polarization of US party that I've never heard before.

The book is very well written and easy to read. It's an excellent material to start a sane debate on how to improve politics.

I think a good follow up book for this one would be : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11324722-the-righteous-mind

The part of this book I disagreed was the author opinion about having an ID to vote. According to him, it's a threat to democracy. To me, it's is not that shocking that, to be able to vote, you should have a government ID. It's already the case in France. I don't really see why it prevent low income citizen to go to vote. The book even mention that it didn't see a lower voter turnout when state moved to ask an ID to vote.

Excellent book nevertheless.