A review by karentje
Boyfriend 101 by Riley Hart


Boyfriend 101 is everything I could have hoped for for Cam and Jude. What an amazing book to end the series with!

As OFY stories go, this one is pretty much… WOW. Jude and Cam have been dancing around each other for a while, and it was so gratifying to finally see them take their friendship to the next level. I loved the nickname thing they had going between them and I adored how careful and sweet they are with each other, even without the dreaded “coddling”.

I really liked that the story didn’t only focus on Cam and Jude, but also on the importance of friends and family. The strength of Cam’s bond with his brother Sawyer is just inspiring and I loved the talks they had and how they navigated the changes in their relationship now both of them are coupled up. The scenes with Jude and his family (of choice), Rush, mama K, Theo, Jude’s dad… those were all so moving and heartwarming too.
Each chapter starts with a little line from either Henry or Awkward Boy, which I thought was just brilliantly done. I loved everything about Theo, but it was also great to learn more about Henry, even though his journey is sadly not as happy.

The epilogue was wonderful, though bittersweet, gifting us with a final look into the lives of the amazing friends we made in Fever Falls.