A review by maxandrambo
Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory


Sweet Jesu, I finished! There is no way I could've slogged my way through an unabridged print version of this. It's mostly joust after ridiculous joust that hardly differ one from the other. Arthur barely figures into the narrative. So why in the name of Jesu did I give it 3 stars? I am generous. Also, this being the audiobook, Derek Jacobi's performance rendered it quite entertaining at times. I did want to mention that I was very pleased to find that with all the swooning going on, it was often the knights, rather than just the ladies and gentlewomen fainting all over the place. Seriously. The brave knights would cry together and then pass out in their grief only to revive and faint again. It pleased me much that this silliness wasn't solely relegated to the "fairer sex".