A review by glowstars
Black Wedding by Emma Luna


This book was so much fun! You could tell just from the prologue that Bree was going to get into the best kind of trouble, and boy did she find some trouble in the form of Liam.

There was no playing around with a few chapters of scene-setting; one short prologue and we're taken right into the action. Despite Liam being the one to kidnap Bree, the initial chapters reveal how strong a character Bree is. She has the mouth and guts that a lot of us would probably like and the wits to turn a delicate situation to her advantage. Liam's an interesting one as well. Unlike most mafia stories I seem to read, he's not a raging alpha (well, not in business, anyway) and is content to let Bree take control. That doesn't mean he's not overprotective or a little possessive, more that he sees her strength and knows when to take a step back. It's refreshing to see in a mafia male character.

Some stories pull you in with their action but with Black Wedding, it's the characters and their reactions that have you gripped. Even the bit players in this story have facets that are slowly revealed along the way. You can never quite guess what will happen at any point because the characters aren't in any way predictable.

Luna works really well with the dual point of view, although she hasn't written in a strictly linear fashion. On a number of occasions, I felt that a chapter ended less strongly or as detailed as it could have but the following chapter would rewind and show us events from the other POV. It left me feeling like I knew even more about what happened than if the story had followed the traditional event/shift/event format. Sneaky but incredibly clever.

I thoroughly enjoyed Black Wedding and can't wait for more Beautifully Brutal stories so I can find out what some of the other characters get up to.