A review by jeffmauch
Barrel-Aged Stout and Selling Out by Josh Noel


History and craft beer, what more could i ask for from a book? Sure, when I say history, I mean very recent history, but so what. I was sort of shocked by the depth of information that is presented in this work. I consider myself somewhat well versed in craft beer and some of it's history, but I learned a lot here, particularly when it came to the tactics used by Anheuser-Busch. I've always sort of considered them the enemy because they are competing with an industry I'm passionate about, but the depth to which they tried to stifle craft beer were shocking. I knew about most of their acquisitions and good portion on their fake craft beers, but it was really the distribution tactics that were the most sinister and questionable. Goose Island's history was interesting as well, especially with so many people that were involved it its creation and sale contributing to the book, it really gave a great perspective on their role in both craft beer and with Anheuser-Busch. If you're even remotely a fan of craft beer or intrigued by corporate competition, give this one a whirl, it's a good read.