A review by chaeklore
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel


Let’s talk about money! Housel describes how the history of economy shaped and altered Americans’ socioeconomic status, SES. He demonstrates that investing has more to do self-control and understanding the fluctuations of the stock market/economy rather than one’s salary, wealth, or even a lack of wealth, hence the title of the book. I found his chapters motivating and easing my anxiety of having to be fully prepared of the uncertain stock market.

Some of my favorite quotes:

History never repeats itself, man always does. - Voltaire

Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money.

In a world where intelligence is hyper-competitive and many previous technical skills have become automated, competitive advantages tilt toward nuanced and soft skills.

Problems correct and people adapt. Threats incentivize solutions in equal magnitude. That’s a common plot of economic history that is too often forgotten by pessimists who forecast in straight lines.