A review by adelie_wants_books_and_snacks
As You Desire by Connie Brockway


4/5 stars for me :)

Loved the humour in this book. Absolute gold! Brilliantly written. The first chapter alone was hilarious and had me dying of laughter.
Also loved how Dizzy makes up these romantic scenarios in her head. That’s literally me haha
I was not a big fan of the whole “I’m gonna push her away because I don’t want her seeing my authentic self because I’m scared of being rejected”. I like Harry but I prefer a hero who isn’t afraid to express how he feels and go after what he wants. Loved it when Magi put him in his place. I was like yes girl! You tell him!
I really loved Cal. See? A brave healthy man who wasn’t afraid to tell Marta how he felt about her. And wasn’t threatened by the fact she was pining for Harry.
I absolutely loved the ending! And loved the author’s note at the end regarding dyslexia.