A review by maryplu
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai


After reading some other peoples' reviews, I feel compelled to say this: the book is far from perfect. It tells only her side of the story, so anyone trying to understand everything about Pakistan/Swat/the Taliban will not find it in this book alone. However, her story is detailed and compelling, as well as inspirational.

To those who say it is not well written or lacks style, I'd tend to agree. But remember this: it was written by a 16 year old girl, and it wasn't even written in her native language! She gets bonus points in my book for that.

To those who say she is cashing in to make herself famous- why shouldn't she? She has made herself famous, and more importantly, her cause famous. How many westerners had any idea of the conditions in which people lived in Pakistan before she became a household name. Furthermore, she states in her book numerous times, that she doesn't care about the fame or the money. She simply wants to bring attention to the educational conditions in her country.