A review by a_reader_obsessed
Change of Heart by Mary Calmes


I'm not going to be bringing anything new with this review. I will say however that despite this story embodying classic, standard Calmes plotlines and characters (but with different names and settings) it really works well in the paranormal world.

The absurdity and plot holes can easily be explained away with the destined mates trope. Claiming and possessiveness and Logan going alpha on Jin's ass are all acceptable. Spontaneous sex whenever and wherever is absolutely guaranteed, and just lends to the overall yumminess of this preposterous setup. Because really?? Anywhere else this would be a big no-no.

So yes, Calmes is a certain kind of crack. Everyone knows this. And everyone knows that you either love and accept it for what it is, or you know it just isn't for you. Well, the majority of the time it's for me. And it certainly doesn't hurt that this was freakin hot, if a bit overdone (Yes, I put my own self in the corner. For shame!)

My brain is still reeling from all the new words/terms/world building, but in the grand scheme of things, that matters little.

Again - enjoyable, predictable, combustible.

Good fun with Meags as we delved into this craziness!